Stratos Paradias
Lawyer, Supreme Court of Greece
President of the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI)
& the Hellenic Property Federation (POMIDA)
Born in Athens, Greece,

Graduate of the Law School of the University of Athens.

Graduate of the Political Sciences and Public Law School of the University of Athens.

Lawyer in Athens, Greece, at the Supreme Court and the Council of State of Greece.

Specialization: Property Law, Commercial Law and Rentals, Dwelling House Legislation & Property Taxation.

Founder (1983) and President (1996) of the Hellenic Property Federation (POMIDA).

President since 2004 of the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI - www.uipi.com ), founded in 1923 and based in Brussels.

Member of the State Legislative Committee for the Commercial Rentals 1984-1991.

Introducer of the legislation for the deregulation of the commercial and dwelling rentals in Greece, 1989-1994 and 2014.

Member of the State Committee for the Codification of the Commercial Rentals Legislation, 1994.

Member of the State Committee for the Taxation of Real Estate Property, 1997, the National Council against Tax Evasion, 2007 and the Ministry of Finance Committee for the Taxable value of real estate property (2016).

Stratos Paradias was decorated by the "Haus & Grund Deutchland", German association - member of the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) with its "Goldene Ehrennadel" for his success and devotion to his long time duties as UIPI President and has been nominated as a member of the Honorary Senate of the "Deutch-Hellenische Wirtschaftsvereinigung"("DHW") for his contribution to its efforts and goals.

Stratos Paradias was awarded a "Honorary Distinction" by the prestigious "Athanasios Botsis Foundation for the Promotion of Journalism", for the 40 years of direct, valid and objective information through the press and electronic means of the public and the journalist of Greece, on all issues related to private immovable property and for the 35 years of edition of the POMIDA magazine "NEWS OF PROPERTY OWNERS", as president of POMIDA and the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI).

He was awarded by the "Consumers Institute of Greece" (INKA) for his contribution to the improvement of the relations between landlords and tenants in Greece.

He has been nominated as a member of the Honorary Senate of the "Deutch-Hellenische Wirtschaftsvereinigung"("DHW") for his contribution to its efforts and goals.

He was decorated by the German Property Owners Federation "Haus & Grund Deutchland", biggest member of the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI), with its "Goldene Ehrennadel" for his continuous devotion and great success to his long time duties as UIPI President since 2005.